Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An outreach program that has me saying "Hallelujah!"

Stephen Powers, a.k.a. ESPO (Exterior Surface Painting Outreach) is producing a documentary film in collaboration with Joey Garfield and the Mural Arts Program of Philadelphia. The book was published not long ago. Powers' work was featured in the Venice and Liverpool Biennials, and the Deitch gallery in New York. In 2007, he won a Fulbright Program grant and used it to paint murals in Belfast and Dublin with local teenagers.

A Love Letter For You is a project by Stephen Powers with the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program and is sponsored by the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage through the Philadelphia Exhibitions Initiative (check out the murals). 50 walls were painted between 63rd and 45th on Market Street. Powers has also tackled a Love Letter to Syracuse.