Thursday, March 3, 2011

Need a laugh?

Here are some of my favorite funny sites, in case you need a break:

I've started reading Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh at the suggestion of my dear friend, Diana. I was skeptical at first when seeing illustrations done in Microsoft Paint, but was won over after reading the hilarious and well-written stories that went with these outrageous and fitting drawings.

Damn You, Auto Correct!- Gotta love when technology screws up a message.

For the photographers:

Awkward Family Photos- conjures up memories of Olan Mills in my best 90's floral prints and lace, except much worse and funnier.

For the English majors:

For the Designers:

Clients From Hell- actual conversations and ridiculous requests from difficult clients.
Photoshop Disasters- maybe it was 3 a.m. or maybe they were drunk?
27b/6- Melanie suggested I read Missing Missy, and I found this guy's sarcasm entertaining.

A few more random ones:

I hope you get some good laughs!