I live in the Bible Belt, so I see various things of this nature all the time. I passed by this billboard the other day on a main road and immediately burst into laughter. I know what they were going for, reminding Christians that the ultimate end for their sinner acquaintances is Hell, but I hate this kind of stuff. I hate when dogmatic believers try to scare people into Christianity. Personally, I think belief is founded better on something other than fear.
As far as going on this blog, I thought it was a funny and terrible use of graphics and typography- the all-caps letters screaming at you just as loud as the flames. If I was a foreigner who didn't know much about Christianity, I'd be very confused and maybe scared. Genuine Christians help others do what? Engulf themselves in flames? Engage in various acts of arson? Those Christians look dangerous, man- better hide your blowtorch!
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